Publication strategies
The quality assurance committee of SHLPB, with the attendance of the academic staff, organized on Friday 17 October 2014, the seminar "Publication Strategies".
The seminar was delivered by Associate Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ecirli. The seminar was designed to provide a step by step guide from the selection of the topic to the final publication of a scientific paper in indexed and impact factor journals.
The professor discussed in details all phases a researcher follows for the publication of a paper starting with the research for the identification of the appropriate topic for a paper or article, including identification of title, writing of an abstract and identification of proper keywords.
Literature review and methodology were also discussed in details, giving the participants important insight on the areas to focus and mistakes to avoid during the process. Emphasis was put on the different aspects between results and discussion and conclusion, where the first should include only the original and individual findings of the proposed research paper while interpretation and comparing of results, as a process for the evaluation of the initial hypothesis or opening of a new research perspective should be unmistakably part of the conclusions.
Another aspect of significant importance that the professor mentioned was the inclusion and the proper method to present figures, tables and graphics in a quality research paper.
Significant importance was also given by the professor to the proper use of references and most importantly to the use of relevant and reliable references that are an important aspect of eligibility for the publishers.
The participants had also the opportunity to discuss about possible techniques and means used to ensure publication of articles and papers in impact factor journals.
The seminar was attended with great interest and highly appreciated by the participants equally for the method of conception and the importance and thoroughness of the information provided.